From the earth I will ascend to the Bridal Chamber

From the earth I will ascend to the Bridal Chamber

In the passion hear the cry in the desert.
The holy madness will happily pass away, the
radioactive cloud will dissipate, the
prison will be replaced by a light face.

From the earth I will ascend to the Bridal Chamber.
washed, immaculately conceived.
to the Throne of the fire-ghost.

Beloved — in the ages of His name,
The pillar of the fortress against the shooting of the enemy.
In Its villages, under the shadow of Its wondrous wings, the
mind soared in the autumn.

The Beloved cares generously for the wise virgins,
and bestows them from the treasures of the incorruptible.
The memory of the lights revives in the anointed
and gives them a crown of unspeakable inspirations.

Summers are immortal. The scrolls are indelible.
The moans are sweet and the entrances are triumphant.

Wisdom adorns his brow before the Most High,
in a golden crown on an embroidered shroud.
His name is like a morning lily:
The Father of Love. Cornucopia…

Communion with one’s neighbor – a bond with the Most High

Communion with one’s neighbor is a bond with the Most High.
It does not tolerate traitors or embezzlers.
Nothing but the brotherhood is not necessary.
It’s a seal and a reward.

The brothers are joined at the Eucharist of the Chalice.
The sweetest Lamb gives them His Blood
And they ascend in chariots to the wedding halls,
Thinking only of the eternal and the high.

There is no family coat of arms for him.
The brotherhood is immortal.
Brothers are united by ties…
Nothing disturbs their peace.

Keeps the sword of Montsegur clean.
The Roman prosecutor’s office is silent.

Shine in three nights like a beautiful angel

Erasure, erasure, erasure is rather the
program of a merchant, a scribe, a Jew, an
Orthodox, a beggar, a Muslim, a
billionaire, a priest, a parishioner.

Rummage through garbage dumps, show mercy to the poor
with the help of neighbors, (which you will not find during the day with fire)
To stumble on the healthy tread of a traitor,
on the newsstand and the emptiness of the everyman,
on the hearse, on the street, and on the advertising strip
about the sale of priceless goods wholesale and retail,
about the fact that
your own property has been mortgaged for a long time and even more so,
plus the customs duty
for entering the world of mirror ghosts
and interests – to
leave it unnoticed,
unknown to
anyone, not burdening,
all–merciful, all-forgiving
and enter the dimension of Qatari catharsis
being unearthly, holy, unaddressed…

Shine in three nights like a beautiful angel, a
fool of the gospel good shepherd, find
the world desired at 4: 08
stuck on the last question,
answering what no one will ask,
finding bliss incomparable,
like a letter from the Most High in the heart of the stored…

Incomprehensible among the ruins and ruins

From the spine to the lungs
A hundred lonely gaps.
Wandering among them,
I become like myself.

The rain pours pine pollen.
Incomprehensible among the ruins and ruins,
Your disciple, the Wise One, we keep.
I follow Christ, and the flock follows me.
So we fly around the globe.

Drafts are rewritten in full.
The second curve of the parabola is described.
I don’t need anything
In the midst of an earthly hell.

Break the curved mirrors!
To tent cities
It’s not an easy ride.
Soar to the cathars of Perpetusa
Unrecognized and unrecognized by anyone.
Leave a trail of hot love
In Bogocivilization III…

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