The Elder Gregory — the Hyperborean Christ

Григорий Распутин

The only authentic portrait of the elder Grigory, painted from life in 1913 by the artist Nikolai Kornilievich Bodarevsky, has been preserved. This portrait was kept for a long time in Germany and today it can be found on the Internet.

In the portrait, Grigory Yefimovich appears as a gracious elder. The face shines with kindness. There was nothing of the mawkish swindler with the wispy beard and the sly, black, bulging eyes. Anna Vyrubova claims that the eyes of the elder Grigory were like those of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. His bright blue eyes always shone with sunlight, sunny love, testifying to his great depth and great heart.

Hired photographers turned him into a sorcerer, phantomized the immortal old man as a despicable «Grishka-whip», a drunkard and a pervert. In the published photos, the eyes are dark, gypsy, narcotic, with a cloudy haze, full of magical torment and enchantment…

Rasputin knew about his double, a bribed actor from a cheap gypsy farce. Lamented: «What can I say! A paid scam» With tears, he looked into the distance, waved his hand and thoughtfully grieved. He understood that the persecution against him was the persecution of the Hyperborean Queen Theotokos herself, his adored Mother (in personal communication to the tsarevna and Tsarevich: «Our Mother»).

Especially disgusting is the slander about the supposedly extreme size of his sexual organ. It was as if Grigory was nothing else — neither an outstanding mind, nor a great heart, nor senile wisdom, but exclusively phallic power seduced the exalted ladies who wandered behind him in a shoal, looking for «communion». There were dozens of bribed perjurers…

The task of the slanderers was to discredit Alexandra Feodorovna and Nicholas: they say that the German hysterical woman was defeated by a sexual magician, and the tsar was a weak — willed cuckold.

Even today, the Hebists still pull out a ten-liter glass jar with «evidence» and foam at the mouth, saying with painful sadistic delight: «See, what is the power of Rasputin?»

There was nothing of the sort in Gregory’s mind. On the contrary-senile sobriety, grace and sunny transparency.

Gregory, as a pure Hyperborean, was the most chaste elder of the Theotokos. Its special purity miraculously attracted the imperial couple and preserved the grand duchesses and the tsarevich.

His love for the Most Holy Theotokos was exceptional. Gregory set himself the goal of visiting all the places connected with the Mother of God in the world: Constantinople( Hagia Sophia), Jerusalem, and Ephesus. He even visited Patmos and was particularly interested in John the Theologian.
«We are a branch of John. It was not Peter who succeeded the Mother of God, but John. To him the Lady of Heaven gave great secrets, and even called him, according to the gospel, her son.»

In John, we are all the sons of Christ. John the Theologian is the father of our Hyperborean branch and the Siberian skeets. The white elders especially worshipped him. The Gospel of John was placed above the scrolls of Peter and his followers.

I stayed in Smyrna, where I stayed for a long time. He visited the Smyrna caves. He also visited the Nightingale Mountain near Ephesus, where the Mother of God opened to him and told him about the authentic Hyperborean Chrest.

The anointed one was deeply impressed by the visit to the Nightingale Mountain. Together with the Mother of God, he wept, seeing how the true faith was distorted to the contrary, and our Christ was crucified.

Gregory on the Greeks and Turks

«The Greeks fell into seduction, into institutional pride. Their faith is rational. They do not know the Mother of God, and they deny Her living presence, guidance, and revelation from above. Therefore, the Blessed Virgin gave her place of residence to the Turks.

If the Greeks owned Ephesus, the Nightingale Mountain would turn into another museum of holy relics, access to which would be only for their own, Orthodox. The Queen, on the contrary, wanted to see the place of her assumption and ascension to the Wedding Hall as a temple of peace.»

About the Turks, he said: «They are not Basurmans, but God’s people. To the shame of the priests, the Turks venerate the Mother of God more than the Greeks. The Greeks are afraid of it. And the more they worship Her icons, the more they secretly fight against Her: they say that you can not too honor the Mother of God, so as not to be at the expense of the Chrest. And the Turks, not being Christians, love Her sincerely.»

He prophesied: «One day the Turks will turn and become true disciples of Our Chrest».

Olga Alexandrovna (the sister of Emperor Nicholas), in her memoirs written in Canada, testified to the miraculous power of the elder.

Thousands of people believed in his healing power, saw him as a great prayer book for the Russian land, and considered him a second Chrest. All Russia then fell to him, asking for healing of painful and bleeding wounds.

Many people paid attention to his heroic strength. Dobrynya Nikitich, the Hyperborean Christ.

He received up to two hundred people in need a day. By laying on his hands, he healed people with a mysterious prayer for Christ, the king in the realm of freedom, kindness, love and brotherhood. He healed many in absentia, saying, «Call on my name. I’ll come and help.»

When he healed, he took it upon himself. In the evening, I fell down in exhaustion. He walked in incessant passion.

The elder was, in fact, Christ, stretched out over our Fatherland.

People saw him as bonom — a kind man, whose strength is drawn from kindness and love, and not from evil or magical developments. Robbers on the forest road, as if in textbook lives, attacked him and suddenly received a revelation about his kindest heart. The man of God stood before them.

— Are you out of the sky? «What is it?» the robber asked one day. — The light from you shines like a God-bearer.

— «He’s the Christ! Let’s leave him alone!» the other robbers said, and retreated in fear.

The wild animals also retreated, seeing in him a good man. Like Seraphim Sarovsky, the elder Gregory fed the bears with bread during his wanderings, and the wolves looked at him with undisguised admiration.

Gregory’s Prophecies about the American atomic bomb on Japan

Nicholas and Alexandra trusted the elder endlessly, having been convinced dozens of times of his gift of foresight.

About the old seals of Grigory Yefimovich can be judged by the memoirs of Anna Vyrubova. With the spiritual daughter, he spoke in the sober spirit of the John’s Church: «Come out of the generic image. You’re an ancestral fool. Stop being a mumbler. You must be born again and strengthen the empress.»

He foresaw modern cities. He said: a megalopolitan person (St. Petersburg, Moscow) needs to be alone with nature «to get away from the city smoke and fog, until the city becomes like a dot.»

It was revealed to Gregory that in the middle of the century the Americans would throw an atomic bomb on Japan. He also predicted the blockade of St. Petersburg during the Second World War, and mourned the millions of innocent victims.

Like Hyperborea, the secrets of the sea were also revealed to him.

«Take care of the sea. The sea preserves the memory of millions of bright souls. It is a great mystery, and gives a living and natural prayer»

«The sea area is a natural prayer. Without the mother of the sea (the sea is his mother), life on earth is impossible»

Many of the sea secrets revealed to your humble servant were revealed from above to the elder Grigory Yefimovich.

Nicholas and Alexandra, having passed through the crisis of the Byzantine faith with its liturgical cult and received through the elder Gregory the revelation of the true Deity, the Hyperborean good Father, accepted him and even became apostles of the second conversion.

Upon her conversion to Orthodoxy, the Empress was greatly impressed by the beauty of the Byzantine ritual chorales. But after a year, I was completely disappointed.

Alexandra Feodorovna, who had a brilliant secular education, spoke several languages perfectly, and received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Heidelberg, found neither true faith nor spirituality in the Byzantine religion. On the contrary-obscurantism, barbarism, remembrance, contempt for the common man, tendentious rewriting of history.

Over time, Orthodoxy began to seem like a viscous swamp to her. Sensing in her spirit that the history of Russia was somewhere outside the Byzantine quagmires, Alexandra sought the company of the elders, and after many years of searching, she found Gregory — the archetypal Russian kalika perekhod.

The elder of the second conversion was another great pillar of the faith — Seraphim Sarovsky, who was glorified by the imperial couple.

Both white elders taught one thing: to acquire the Holy Spirit, to walk under the heaven of the good Father, to become the personified Chrest (which is doubly necessary for the anointed one, since all the people look at him and seek to follow).

When Grigory told Alexandra Fyodorovna about his visits to Ephesus, the Nightingale Mountain, the caves of the first Christians, and preached about Chrestos as the anointed power of the world, she could not take her eyes off him. She said to Nikolai: «This is what is needed to save the Fatherland!»

The elder gathered around Nicholas and Alexandra a new Theotokos elite. Half-literate in appearance, in spirit he possessed the wisdom of the celestials. How many times did Nicholas and Alexandra thank Grigory, making sure that his conclusions and assessments were correct! «You are truly our savior, the savior of Russia» Alexandra repeated tirelessly.

Gregory immediately saw who came with the evil spirit, and sent back those who sought advancement in their careers. He blessed the good for good deeds, and forbade the evil for evil deeds. He denounced generals, officials, and did not recognize any authority, thereby helping the emperor and the empress in governing the country, in purifying its archetype.

He walked in a huge demonic force. He especially instructed Nikolai to overcome stereotypes, including Romanov’s.

Future emperors from childhood were «planted» with Josephite stamps about Orthodox tsars, about their religious zeal, «feats» in the name of faith… Gregory spoke of another Russia martyrdom. He taught not about kings, but about the suffering people, about the Christ dissolved in the distressed Christians, about the Deity residing in the conciliar people’s soul. Denounced Alexey Mikhailovich «The quietest.» It was revealed to him that this king was not the quietest, but the most evil.

The Empress, being pregnant, once asked her husband what to name the heir. The emperor said almost without thinking: «Alexey, in honor of the God-loving and peaceful Alexey the Quietest.»

Alexandra Fyodorovna turned pale with horror, foreseeing what fate awaited her son. She only said: «But Peter the Great already had a son, Alexey, and he was killed. What will happen to our son?»Nikolai began to console his wife: «Don’t think about it. You wear it for now. Your task is to give birth to him healthy…»

Grigory grieved greatly when the heir was named Alexey: «Father and Mother, one of the reasons for the suffering of your successor is a bad name!»

He suggested that the August couple rename their son, for example, Boris — in honor of the bright-eyed Boris Godunov, persecuted and slandered by the Josephites.

Alexandra and Nicholas were deeply grieved, but the emperor did not dare to make this change. What will Russia say? An unprecedented case of the heir to the throne changing his name!..

In vain. With the name Boris Tsarevich, he would have been healed and become famous in Russian history.

Nicholas Court: august spiritualists

At the turn of the XIX-XX century, Europe literally fell ill with spiritualism, which became a kind of surrogate for immortality. It became fashionable to turn tables and summon the spirits of the dead, to talk with them for a long time, to find out «secrets». During a spiritual conversation, you can meet dead neighbors or someone from the great ones. They called Kutuzov, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great. They referred to the Jewish kings, who also allegedly resorted to summoning spirits…

Who came to the seances under the guise of King David or, say, the prophets Moses and Elijah? – demons.

The spiritualistic world of the XIX-XX century is a powerful inspiration of extraterrestrials, the manifestation is not Right, but Navi.

Today it is difficult to imagine how active contacts with demons were in the Middle Ages and more recently. Demons came and gave revelations. Many followed them, and some went mad…

Thus, through spiritualism, the European and world expansion of the cosmos began.

To their great shame, the Roman-Byzantine Pharisees were the first to bless the table-turning. There are known facts when bishops secretly attended spiritual seances, called the «patriarchs of Constantinople» and the Jerusalem Christ himself.

Many Orthodox bishops tried to push the idea of the revival of the faith into the synod through the statement that Christ and the saints are alive – but not in the hearts of men, but at spiritualistic seances (!).

Among the Elohim, it is customary to drive out the true anointed ones who receive revelations from God, and to accept occult devilry as divine.

Rome rebelled against the revelations of the Mother of God, inquisited them, harassed the visionaries of God — and directly blessed the lowest and darkest forms of spiritual sodomy. The Pharisees drove out the living Chrest and killed him. Millions of archetypal Christs and theotokos of the John Branch were hunted to death, tortured, and burned to death. And to attract the people and the court, to please the secular society, they welcomed the spinning of card tables and the invocation of spirits from the realm of the dead.

They didn’t see any harm in it. On the contrary, they were blessed and even justified in their own way, seeing the revival of faith not in ritual cults or even in dogmatic tricks, but in occult passes.

The spirits, summoned through the magic of the card tables, taught the powerful how to profit from scams and especially from wars. Mass contacts with humanoids at spiritualistic seances led to the carnage of the twentieth century: the war with Japan, the First World War, the revolution, the civil War, the Second World War…

The demons said to the bankers: «Do you want to make money? Arrange wars, and get fabulously rich. The more blood, the more gold you have in your vaults.» And in exchange for power, secrets, new weapons, money, etc., millions of victims were demanded.

In Europe and Russia, «war parties» have formed. The spiritualist «Moses» and «Elijah » taught: war is saving for the Fatherland. War promotes liberation from «human garbage». After wars, new souls come to the world and the state is renewed.

As a result of incessant seances, the number of adherents of «the war party» increased. The war was literally shouted at every corner.

Gregory sharply denounced these unclean spirits, leading Russia to destruction. He called spiritism «an anti-Christ affair» that undermines the Russian Fatherland. With a sober old man’s eye, he distinguished those who were guided by the revelations of the spiritualistic «Christ», and advised Nicholas to keep them away from leading positions.

They, in turn, sentenced Gregory to death.

As if in concert, the spiritualistic spirits called with one voice for the destruction of the elder as the tempter of Russia, as the first enemy of the world wars, which, according to their revelations, would enrich the empire and lead it to world fame.

Felix Yusupov, the heir of the millionaire grand dukes (richer than the Romanovs themselves), especially hated Grigory. Grigory spoke of Yusupov in the style of m. Euphrosyne: «I have acquired much evil.» Felix was not only a double homosexual, but also a well-known occultist. At the card table, he repeatedly asked his «high ancestors» questions about the elder Gregory, and they called him their fierce enemy.

Gregory’s Peacemaking

Grigory Yefimovich literally single-handedly opposed those who persistently proved to the tsar the inevitability of a great war and gave thousands of rational arguments in its favor.

One day, Gregory, violating all the regulations, at a meeting of the tsar with ministers and generals, suddenly stood up and hit the table hard with his fist. Someone jumped up in a daze, someone grabbed his head… The elder asked the emperor: «And you, Father, where did you jump-in your head or in your heart?»

— In the heart.

— You see. The heart is bigger than the mind. No matter what they say to you, no matter how they break you, always act according to your heart. In him dwells our divine Father.

The Mother of God directly told the elder: «War is not blessed. The war will bring grief to millions and lead to the death of Russia.»

The Pharisees taught the opposite. They wanted a world war. Russia must become the new Roman Empire, conquer Constantinople and Jerusalem. The Third Rome has not yet been realized. A universal expansion is needed to fulfill the Josephite prophecy.

The peacemaker Gregory was their first enemy. A peasant from the village «dared» to oppose the global imperial plans to conquer the world!

Against Rasputin, the bishops and metropolitans took up arms, who, following the Roman agency, condemned him as a «whip, a sectarian and a heretic».

Gregory teaches about the other good Deity

In contrast to the spiritualistic Romanov court, Gregory directly taught about another Deity.

He told Alexandra: «Mummy, there is no death. There is only life, eternal life. Our Hyperborean fathers taught that the world of the dead does not exist. There are realms of Truth and their manifestation in Reality. The heavenly world rule, where heroes, winners, crowned Christ and the Virgin go. In the future, enriched by the power of heaven, they descend into the world as messengers of Minne.»

It was no accident that Grigory Yefimovich looked at the tsar as the Christ, as the new Romanov (in return, he received the surname Novy from him).

Emperor Nicholas II was loyal, as was Chrestos. He was betrayed by the police chiefs and the governors. Officials, ministers, and generals betrayed one after another.

The great elder saw his golgotha and demanded that the king boldly remove the traitors from him. Substitutions and permutations did not help for long, but the number of enemies increased like a snowball.

The whole royal court, thoroughly occult, rebelled against the emperor for his peacemaking and the other spirit presented by the elder of the Hyperborean mark.

Meanwhile, a hired doppelganger was playing a comedy in the public houses of the capital: a thin beard, black shifty eyes with a haze, his hair smeared with lamp oil. The false Rasputin got drunk to hell, danced, groped women, and confessed about his affair with «a pop-eyed German hysterical fool» and her daughters. The next morning, with the approval of the secret police, the newspapers published information about the carousals of «the court elder»…

The reason for Rome’s war on the visionaries is an accentuated spiritualism, the worship of the dead, the war on the living Christ, and the invocation of alien teachers.

The Roman-Constantinople pseudo-Christianity, to its shame, ended… in the world of the dead. The spirits of the dead (the apostles, the myrrh-bearing women, even Judas Iscariot and Pontius Pilate) were summoned to confirm that Chrestos really existed two thousand years ago… And they rejoiced, «finding» this confirmation.

But (O fatal lack of sobriety and the Holy Spirit!) demons came to them, strengthening them to the opposite.

The secret services of many European and world powers still resort to the help of demonic advisers. The adepts of Elohim received revelations that a new solar spirituality would explode in Russia. «The light from the East» will shine, seraphic Hyperborean souls will descend into the world for the birth of God civilization. Then there was the S-300 committee — an international conspiracy of demons and special services, directed primarily against our Fatherland.

The demons, who feed on the immortal compounds of the Adamites they despise, have condemned Russia to lie down in a bloody swamp. But after the victory of the Second Solovetsky Golgotha, spiritual ghosts began to disperse, and spiritualism began to leave.

The time of the Byzantine occultists, the persecutors of the saints, is over.

Behind the two Hyperborean pillars – Seraphim of the Tender Heart and the Elder Gregory stands today the multi-million elite of Russian history: white officers, noble myrrh-bearing wives, Decembrists and Decembrists, the people of God of Christ … Millions of lambs of the second redemptive Calvary, the most important for the fate of Russia, announce its coming God civilization the heiress of Atlantis, Hyperborea and the Slavic theogamic court.

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