The Keys of Acquiring the Holy Spirit

Святая Евфросиния Мироточивая

Evfrosinya was an spiritual old woman of divine love

Virginity is only for falling in love. The beloved was hot. Before her spiritual gaze stood her Beloved, worthy of all earthly suitors. St Evfrosinya was in love with Christ and the Mother of God. She taught: ‘One must personally experience the gospel, become a contemporary of Christ and the Mother of God,’ – enter into the gospel experience.

She didn’t leave behind a single sermon. But Mother Evfrosinya was in charge of higher creativity – she created the gospel. The mother Evfrosinya taught faith not in books, but in the life-giving gospel of the Holy Spirit, of which man is truly worthy because of the great love of our Heavenly Father and Mother.

St Evfrosinya was led from above and introduced others into the image that they were being led from above. In fact, her students were led by the Mother of God herself. She generously shared her adoration of the Blessed Virgin. It was enough to spend half a day with her so that the name of the Mother of God would not leave your lips. Without the Most Pure Virgin, it is impossible to spend an hour on earth, so as not to perish.

Priceless Golden Keys

Mother Evfrosinya had golden keys. She possessed keys that no one had owned before her: priceless golden keys of victory over fundamental spell, transformation and restoration of man. Millions of thinkers have only dreamed about them, starting almost from ancient Greek times.

The mother Evfrosinya delved into the way of life. She blessed some to leave work, others to live in spiritual purity, even those who were in a marital relationship. But the main thing was that it gave an impulse to metanoia, to transformation: ‘You have to change yourself everything, beyond recognition, so that I literally don’t recognize you.

M. Evfrosinya set a unique goal – to acquire the Holy Spirit. Other things (prayer, fasting, going to church) only contributed to it.

For others, the goal was to go to church or pray regularly. The mother Evfrosinya was telling, ‘No, the goal of the path is to acquire the spirit.’ No one had taught her that before!

Even Seraphim did not dare to talk in detail about the acquisition of the Spirit… he only mentioned, but did not show how. His «mill girls» were ignorant of the mysteries of acquiring the Holy Spirit. And Evfrosinya was the only one for several centuries (!) who possessed priceless keys of spiritual possessiveness.

Persecuted during her lifetime by the Pharisees, zealots of ‘official’ Orthodoxy, and glorified from God with myrrh-streaming relics, The mother Evfrosinya personifies Orthodoxy of other roots — the authentic faith of the ancient White Church, coming directly from Christ and the Mother of God. Her teaching is a secret senile science, a legacy of archetypal Bogomil spirituality.

The criminal Pharisees hide from millions of people seeking salvation the miracle of the mighty grace of M. Evfrosinya. But an even greater miracle is her golden keys! For the golden keys of acquiring the unique, absolute Holy Spirit, the Almighty glorifies the ascetic with imperishable myrrh-streaming relics.

How is the Holy Spirit acquired?

This is falling in love with Christ and the Mother of God. This is falling in love with the spiritual gospel, elders, brothers and sisters. This is jealousy about reading the psalms. This is the direct guidance of the Mother of God and adoration for her. This is a pilgrimage and a complete rupture of old ties. These are night bows and vigils. These are ablutions at holly springs.

The goal of life is to find the fullness of the deity in the inner and achieve complete transformation.

The springs were valuable for her because they delivered not just from diseases, but from the sinful cup. If the ablution was performed by a spiritual elder or a spiritual old woman, a miracle happened at the holy springs — the one who was washed was suddenly cleansed of sinful filth.

Despite all the obstacles, Evfrosinya almost every day, at least two or three times a week, visited the Holy Hill with her students, although she was already tracked down there and banned — she was not afraid of anything.

Holy Hill — a picturesque hundred-meter mountain, overgrown with tall coniferous trees, about 5-7 km from the Lavra (Pochaev). At its top is a spring where the Mother of God stepped half a millennium before.

Sins can be begged

‘Ablution, psalms, prostrations, the gospel, the word of the Mother of God is not a goal, but a way to pray the sinful cup.’

This is where asceticism begins! St Evfrosinya has their own sinful cup, earned from birth or in previous lives. It is possible to beg her, which is what needs to be done. Christians say: it is impossible to beg for original sin. Only virtually, ‘by the merits of Christ’, ‘by the merits of the church’, but specifically – in no way. After half a century of asceticism, a person remains with the same sins, and dies with them.

Mother Evfrosinya said: ‘Sins are begged for! Prayer can pull a soul from the bottom of hell.’ In extreme cases, a person can independently free himself from sinful filth. But he needs the help of an elder who prays for his child, and even pulls him out of hell.

To acquire the Spirit of God meant for her to become Christ and the Mother of God, to marry them. Faith itself is nothing. It is important to fall in love, adore and become one. ‘Sins are forgiven!’ – says the mother. Moreover, the sinful cup is lightened by a righteous life and prayer for the sinner, and gradually dries up. When the sinful cup is emptied, another cup opens in a person, the myrrh–streaming, Holy Grail.

To this day, teaches M. Evfrosinya, the Holy Grail is not available, because people do not know the simple truths that she taught in earthly days and teaches today. The sinful cup (which every mortal has) must be extinguished. It is impossible to talk about the inner Grail and 144 castles while the sinful cup is burdened and smokes from the inside with poisonous fumes.

How many were pulled from the bottom of the underworld by the prayer of the mother Evfrosinya! She begged from the sinful environment, from the sinful past, from the curse that weighed down, how many people she healed from incurable diseases!

St Evfrosinya is a continuous life–giving miracle. Candles do not go out, sins are forgiven, the last homeless and terminally ill become ascetics of the Holy Spirit… There were always unquenchable candles burning in the cell at night. The oil has run out, and the lamp is shining. The wax in the candle has all flowed out, melted, and the candle is burning…

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